The Remarkable 2 “paper” tablet is the latest advancement in electronic ink technology and aims to position itself to revolutionize a competitive tablet market.It is clear that developments in screen quality are reaching unimaginable points and a good example is the 8k televisions,...

Microsoft returns to the world of cell phones with Surface Duo, an ambitious smartphone version that marks the company's return to the cell phone market and Microsoft's debut in the new category of next-generation folding devices.  What is Surface Duo? About a year ago Microsoft...

A few weeks ago the OpenAI company, founded by Elon Musk (creator of Tesla, Hyperloop, Paypal, among others) has announced the creation of GTP-3: the new artificial intelligence.This tool is capable of creating texts, programming or designing just by receiving some instructions in...

Full HD technology seemed to have come to stay, but it was improved by 4K and now the same thing is happening but moving towards 8K. At this rate, we will soon be able to see the front leg of a fly with...

 Platforms such as YouTube or Spotify have allowed us to access unexpected resources, but when you understand what decentralized content is, you will understand why we are turning to another way of consuming content.Although the aforementioned platforms are highly successful and have millions...

 El avance de la tecnología y las telecomunicaciones hace muy difícil determinar cuáles serán las mejores profesiones digitales del futuro, pero en este artículo intentaremos hacer una rápida aproximación a las que parecen ser las labores más demandadas en los años venideros. Un conocido...