The cryptocurrency industry is extremely new and is finding its own way as it builds itself. The days when only software developers were required are gone forever. That's why I'm going to tell you how to work in the crypto industry.As with any...

Non-fungible tokens have the potential to transform the way we register ownership of real-world items. Today, however, we will focus on a particular and, one might say, somewhat superficial use of them. We will find out which are the most popular NFT collections.During...

Nowadays, there are just few things we can do without money and they become more scarce every day. So, whether you are a maximalist or a regular holder, knowing how to spend bitcoin has become a matter of survival.Luckily for us, as bitcoin...

As a blockchain technology enthusiast, I have to face the reality that most people come to this industry searching for a way to make some profit. To satisfy this hunger to increase our coffers, today I am going to tell you about 5...

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, and its similarities with gold have become evident since its conception. Even the process by which each new bitcoin unit reaches the world is called crypto mining.As with gold, in order to create a new bitcoin, miners, the...

If you still don't understand the phrase "the most powerful thing about bitcoin is not bitcoin itself, but the technology that makes it possible", perhaps today you will come closer to understanding it completely. Crypto games are a great example of what we...

Only 13 years have passed since the appearance of the first bitcoin transaction. From the creation of Ethereum, just seven. But in crypto-years, that means several decades. Today, we find ourselves asking what is a crypto card.Definitely, crypto is fighting to leave behind...

The crypto industry evolves in ways that even its own creators can’t picture. Vitalik Buterin, an Ethereum co-founder, said that initially he thought DeFi would be an important thing, but he couldn’t predict other trends. Today, by explaining what is an NFT, we...

You may have heard that the technology that makes bitcoin possible, rather than its price, is what gives it its true power. Decentralized finance is another example of how powerful blockchain, the technology that enables bitcoin, can be.Permissionless is one of the primary...