When the banks turn their back on you
Have you ever contemplated being excluded from the system? Well, we are sorry to tell you that this isolation is suffered by many people on a daily basis.
Recently we read an article from CanariasAhora and Eldiario.es about the obstacles of banks when opening a bank account. In this news, the testimony of citizens who request the Minimum Vital Income (an aid aimed at preventing the risk of poverty and social exclusion) and who cannot receive this aid due to the obstacles found in banking institutions.
These situations are real. In fact, the unavailability of a bank account is a more common situation than it seems, both in homeless people and in others who have not been able to cope with the payment of commissions and this has caused the closure of it. This is also the case for migrants.
Fortunately, today projects like ours welcome all those people excluded from the system. Bitsa Card is a project that admits all kinds of people and their circumstances, that does not segregate, and that flees from bureaucratic obstacles.
We are the financial alternative to the current and obsolete traditional banking system. An alternative in the form of a prepaid card without a bank account.
Why give control of your money to the banks? The Bitsa card allows you to be reloadable in several ways, and you will always be the owner of your money; comfortably controlling it through the App.
Now you know … When the banks turn their backs on you, we open our arms. Join the Bitzer family! Without obligations!