qué estudiar para trabajar remoto

What to study to work remotely?

Would you like to enjoy all the advantages of teleworking?

There are many professions which thanks to their direct relationship with digital tools and technology have an advantage over others. In addition, little by little, many companies have begun to use this type of work for two reasons:

  • Improving the competitiveness of employees.
  • Cost and resource savings.

These advantages mean that the remote work is increasingly chosen in the world of work.

When choosing a career, there are several factors to consider. Some we decide based on our vocation, while others choose according to the quality of life that allows us the profession.

In this note I’ll tell you 5 of the careers that allow you work from anywhere in the world, and if this lso coincides with your vocation, maybe you’ll find the perfect equation.

What you can study to work remotely:

  • Designer

Whether you are a web designer, graphic designer, interior designer or in any field, always you’ll have open doors to remote job. You just need a good Internet connection and a computer. So you can open your “office” wherever you want and start generating your customer portfolio or work externally for a company.

  • Photographer

The photography industry has been positively influenced by technological advances and stock banks are visited daily by many companies that search for photographs for their social networks or web pages. The press also often uses them for its news, making stock photography a great opportunity among the many options available for selling your photos on the internet.

  • Content editor

This is my case, I currently find myself writing this article from the comfort of my home. Today writers and journalists we have a wide range of opportunities drafting all types of content, from reportage for written press, articles for websites, advertising texts, blog posts, up to proofreading. The important thing is that we can work at our own pace as long as we meet the delivery dates.

  • Translator

If you are Bilingual or fluent in several languages the opportunities will be greater in this profession, because you can carry out jobs for media, newspapers, magazines, applications or be the translator of a particular company. A way to distinguish yourself is by specializing in some specific area such as medicine or literature.

  • Teacher

As a professor you can choose between presence or virtual lessons. Today it is more common for people to attend online training courses or seek a private teacher on the Internet, both to learn languages, vegan cuisine, etc.. The themes are endless, allowing this mode to apply to many professions.

Where can you find a job?

p>There are several platforms for finding remote jobs:

  • Google Jobs

It is a special feature of Google Search that allows you to find jobs at a distance. As usual, Google puts at our disposal a good amount of filters to find the best choice.

  • AngelList Talent

This platform focuses on remote work solo per startup and it’s a great opportunity to join new projects that always require staff. All you have to do is configure a set of specifications and voilà, you can apply for the jobs you like best.

  • LinkedIn Jobs

Linkedin is an excellent platform for to connect professionals with job opportunities. In recent times they have worked in hissection of remote works and know the great job opportunity that exists in this way.

  • FlexJobs

100% focused on distance work. In it we will find opportunities with world famous companies.

  • Upwork

Upwork has virtual tools to promote your profession, it has a collaborative space, integrated invoice maker and transparent recruitment processes /b>.

  • Aquent

If your site is well established and is recognized to offer the best remote freelancers for the areas of creative, digital and marketing. One of its best tools is the salary guide that will help you set your price. This yes, they mainly accept professionals who have more than 2 years of work experience.

Qué estudiar para trabajar remoto

Internet connection

While all these professions already existed before the advent of the Internet, thanks to the appearance of this technology we can make it from anywhere in the world. That’s why a good Internet connection is essential so we can work from a distance. If your connection is slow, you may have to deal with communication issues with other team members, slow video calls and difficulty accessing the necessary tools.

In the next article, I’ll tell you what are the new professions of internet born of this wonderful invention.