3 Ways to Maximize the Use of Bitsa Multi-Cards

Increasingly, the world is moving towards personalized services that fit your lifestyle. At Bitsa, we understand this clearly: we know that cryptocurrencies are part of your daily life and you’re always looking for ways to connect all the possibilities of the crypto universe with your reality.

Have you ever wondered how practical it would be to have a card for every aspect of your financial life? A card for shopping, another for subscriptions, another for whatever you can think of. At Bitsa, our mission is to be the bridge between your cryptocurrencies and the real world, because cryptocurrencies are more than digital assets, they’re money! And we want you to be able to use it as such.

That’s why we present 3 ways in which you can get the most out of Bitsa multi-cards.

3 Ways to Use Bitsa Multi-Cards

1. Centralize your subscriptions on a single card.

Netflix, Disney, Spotify, WoW, the app that counts your calories, cloud services, that impulsive subscription you made last Saturday at dawn… We are in the era of subscriptions, and most people are not aware of how many they are paying for each month.Centralizing all your subscriptions on a Bitsa prepaid card can be very beneficial for organizing your finances. With a Bitsa preloaded card, you can allocate each month the money you will spend on subscriptions and control how much you spend. After all, that’s one of the advantages of prepaid cards: you only spend the money you allocate.

2. Shop worry-free with disposable cards.

If you’re a regular online shopper, you know that one of the risks is that your personal data might be exposed. But with Bitsa, shopping online has never been safer.
It’s very simple: when using a Bitsa multi-card, you protect your personal data, as you don’t need to share your main card’s information. This reduces the risk of your data falling into the wrong hands and allows you to shop with peace of mind.

3. Organize Your Travel Expenses.

Traveling while maintaining a budget is one of the challenges for travelers. This is especially difficult when all the money is on the same card. Separating your travel money onto a specific card allows for better control.
Separate your holiday money and maintain a clear budget with Bitsa!

Bitsa: Connect Your Cryptos with Real Life

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly becoming an essential part of our everyday lives. With Bitsa cards, you can use up to 8 cards simultaneously, rechargeable with your favorite crypto.

Living with your cryptocurrencies today is a reality, and you can do it your way.