
Bitsa joins Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay! Our CEO explains it.

The advent of the Coronavirus pandemic has brought about major changes in people’s habits worldwide. Among the most notorious, it stands out the increase in the distances between people and the caution when touching foreign surfaces.

In this sense, businesses have had to find time solutions that allow them to continue maintaining sales levels or, at least, make them decrease as little as possible.

We know the effort they make day by day and that’s why from Bitsa we wanted to contribute our small grain of sand to make things easier in one of the most difficult moments.

Starting this week, all Bitsa Card customers will be able to integrate their card into Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay to shop in thousands of stores, apps, and websites directly from their mobile or smartwatches.

This will help to contribute to social distancing, boosting payments through contactless technology and reducing exposure to the virus for both customers and employees.

To understand the perspective and consequences of this development we have talked with the CEO and Founder of Bitsa, Marcos Muñoz.


– How does the idea of integrating Bitsa into these renowned payment services arise?

It is a service that we have been developing practically from the first day, since we think it is something fundamental that greatly facilitates the life of the user. It is an essential service to be updated.

Nowadays, not everyone leaves home with their wallet and cards, it really makes sense, if you can have all this on your mobile. 


– Will this update also be available to Bitsa Young customers?

Yes, one of our objectives has always been that the youngest could enjoy the same advantages as adults, always clear, saving the distances.

In this way, we try to encourage young people to learn how to manage their money, since as we all know they are not very fond of carrying a “plastic” to pay.


– Which countries will customers benefit from this benefit?

Any customer who has a Bitsa account will only have to replace one of their cards or request another card, virtual or physical. With this we give the possibility to separate the balances, offering extra security in the payments for the Xpay, only leaving the desired balance.


– How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected Bitsa and its users?

From an economic point of view, the pandemic has affected everyone, however,  it has been a much-needed service because we have increased users, due to the ease and speed of our onboarding system without having to leave home and without having physical contact. 

This system has enabled many customers to have an electronic account in minutes.


– Do you think the increase in online sales due to the coronavirus will continue even if the pandemic ends?

It is undeniable that this current pandemic has been a hard blow for some sectors, however, this has caused people to look for more comfortable alternatives through online shopping. Possibly when all this finishes the number of online sales could decrease however this situation will have marked a before and after in terms of online sales and platforms like Amazon.


– What other R&D&I (research, development and innovation) is Bitsa currently working on?

Among other novelties, the development team is working on implementing a market within the Bitsa app in which you can acquire Giftcards from well-known platforms such as Netflix, Amazon and Microsoft among others, in addition to cashback for our users and return part of the purchase on your Bitsa card.

Also in terms of the crypto part is developing a possible implementation of the Lightning Network for recharges with Bitcoin, in this way we will achieve that these recharges are immediate and with an insignificant fee.


– What is your opinion of the European market in terms of technological developments, innovation and creativity?

Europe is a large market that keeps growing year after year and it has countries like Germany or Switzerland that drive this growth. However this growth could be greater thanks to the contribution of investors, in Europe we have very good professionals lacking investment and aid.


– What issues do you think should be improved to take Europe to the next level?

There are two aspects that are key and do not have all the importance that they should, these are financial education and the ignorance that there is about cryptocurrencies.

Financial education is a key aspect, because the goal of the people who study, is to train, learn and earn money based on it, however no one teaches you how to manage that money, what to do with that money or how to identify a good opportunity for a better future.

Another key aspect is the great ignorance about cryptocurrencies, most people use it as a means of speculation to make money from it, however cryptocurrencies can offer many more benefits than speculating, cryptocurrencies could mark a before and after.

If you want to know how to include your Bitsa Card to these new payment platforms, check out our blog articles about Apple Pay, Google Pay or Samsung Pay, where we detail how to do it step by step.